I bought tea to help my teenage son with his acne and have seen incredible results. This has been a game-changer for him. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️”

Jennifer Warfield

“Kerri is the best! Our daughter is 13 and started having acne issues….she started drinking the acne tea daily and has noticed a huge difference in her skin. Thank you Kerri!!”

Jennah Miller

"Kerri comes with a wealth of knowledge and is always excited to share it! He innate skill to read the body's energy is brilliant! Kerri has made me aware of my body's ability to absorb, assimilate and react to different foods! Within a couple of non-invasive NAET treatments  I’ve noticed a major decrease in the annoying tingling in my feet that I had for years, where physician simply recommended medication! With Kerri’s guidance of nutritional and herbal supplementation, diet change, motivation and exercise I know I’m on the right path to a balanced health!"

Krikor Pattoukian